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Ever wonder what your dog is saying to you? Now you can find out! Check out this page so you know what he's talking about! 


Lip licking: Dogs lick their lips when they are nervous (obviously this doesn't apply when you're pouring out a bowl of food for them!) but it's pretty clear when they are licking their lips but no food is around. 


Yawning: With the exception of first thing in the morning, a dog yawning means they're uncomfortable. 


Panting: Is the temperature nice and cool but your dog is panting? Are there other dogs around but yours is the only one panting? Chances are, they're feeling anxious. 


Looking up at you so you can see the whites of their eyes: We call this "whale eye." It's a very clear signal of an uncomfortable dog. 



Doggie Decoder

Dog and Kids

Notice the dog has its ears pulled back and the whites of its eyes are showing. Not safe!

Angry dog

Dog has its lip up with teeth showing. Stop what you're doing and leave this dog alone!

Happy dog and kids

Dog's face is relaxed, mouth open, tongue out. Safe dog.

Safe dogs and kids

Dogs are both relaxed with open expressions and tongues out.

Not safe

1) Lip licking 2) Ears back, tongue out with mouth shut 3) Whites of eyes showing 4) Looking away, ears back Dog is not safe in any of these photos.

Stress signals everyone should know! 
If you see your dog doing the things below, stop what you're doing right away. They're stressed! 
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